Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Flipped Classrom on EDUBLOG

"Flipped Classroom" by Jon Bergmann


I really enjoyed reading this blog because it discussed how classroom structure impacts the way students learn.  If you think about the way classrooms have been set up traditionally, they had a chalkboard in the front of the classroom. And then those chalkboards become white boards. Then, those white boards became overhead projectors, which then turned into LCD projectors that are hung on the ceiling. But really the classroom in all of those situations is a presentation station. It's not a center of learning. I really like the evidence that he mentioned about flipped classrooms saving time and space but I feel it may not work in all settings. In my feild placement the desks are is sets of two, they are essentially lab tables, that can move but if reshaped there would not be no room in the class to fit all the tables. 

The Flipped classroom is a transitional tool for educators to move away from being the center of attention in the classroom and move that attention onto students and onto the learning that's happening in those classrooms. Although I agree with this, it may not be possible for all classrooms to do this. I asked Jon to perhaps he could provide some advice to teachers who want to incorporate flipped learning in their classrooms when the have immobile desks? I notice that in our EDUC classes, especially our methods we have a flipped classroom set up and I feel it is very comfortable and prompts me to engage with my peers more. I wonder what advice Jon will give me (if any at all). 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

EduBlog Post: 30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class

I read a blog post by Todd Finley. It is located here:

His post was titled: 30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class. Working at a middle school and experiencing the high energy students bring into the classroom prompted my captivation with the title. When I read through his 30 strategies I was surprised to see how many ways a teacher can get the attention of students. Under the heading "call and response" one example explained that a  teacher could say, "when I get knocked down...." and students would reply, "I get up again you're never going to keep me down".  I laughed reading that one and proceeded to listen to Tubthumping. I really enjoyed reading his article and at the end he asked readers to describe techniques they use. I was interested to see comments made on this post. As I was reading comments I stumbled upon an exchange between two readers. They were criticizing one another on technique they use. The gist of the argument was that one commentator believed the other was too focused on "student manipulation"  rather than engaging students with the lesson intended. I wrote the following response:

Thank you Mr. Finley,
This post was really wonderful to read. I am currently a Masters Student at the University of Michigan SOE and this is my first year interning with a mentor teacher. My mentor teacher has a purple stuffed toy that makes a very squealing sound when pressed. In the beginning of the year she held a microphone to the toy and said when you guys all talk at the same time this is what you sound like. She told students the toys name was Zelda and now whenever the class gets too loud she yells ZELDA. She also uses the count down method.
When I run a lesson I like to stare at them with a grim on my face and they usually understand I want them to be quiet. I have worked to build strong personal relationships with all my students. I have noticed that establishing mutual respect really aids in classroom management. I laughed when I saw the Tubthumping call and response example, I'm not sure if my students know the song but I think it would hilarious to use it as a strategy.
After I finished reading your article I scrolled and read some comments. It is very interesting to see the varying degrees educators wish to exercise classroom management. I feel that as educators we must be cognizant of of the fact that there should be balance between classroom management and actual time spent on a lesson. You can't have one without the other and finding that balance takes practice, time, and patience.
It was a pleasure reading your post, thank you!


I received a response from Todd this was his response

I really appreciated what he had to say and I feel I am grateful that I am placed in a school where the silent treatment works and that I should be prepared to use other techniques when I am not as lucky.

A couple days past ...and then I got a comment from a nasty reader:

I won't respond to him. But I think this reminded me of why I don't like to comment on blogs...the trolls and critiques from others. I just don't like it. AND I REALLY don't like that he disrespected my school. -.-

Tech In My Placement

I am placed at Scarlett Middle School in Ann Arbor. In my opinion the technology available at Scarlett is more than accommodating. All staff are provided with a mac laptop that they can use to take attendance and record grades. In addition, staff are allowed to take these laptops home with them. Teachers use Powerschool to record grades and the grades that are entered can be easily viewed by parents and students. In regards to wifii, the school has a unsecured network that anyone can access and connection is very fast. 

Scarlett Middle School has four computers available in the library and students are allowed to log in and do work during lunch, homeroom period, or after school. Scareltt also has a computer lab, but these labs must be reserved by a teacher. This limits access to computers for students. The school also has a macbook cart that has 30 mac laptops. Teachers can reserve the cart if they wish to use it in their classroom; but, because there is only one cart so teachers may or may not be able to use them in there classroom depending on prior reservation.  

Each class has a screen and a projector.  The projector enables teachers to present powerpoints and videos. My mentor teacher does not use it often but as a future educator I would definitely put the projector to great use. In regards to science equipment, the science department also has a cart that has 30 microscopes and these microscopes are heavily used in the biology classroom I am in. I appreciate that each students can potentially work with microscope independently. When I was  in middle school my science class only had two or three microscopes. I noticed that when I entered college I found learning how to use a microscope a bit difficult. The students in my classroom are experts at using microscopes and I feel having exposure to working with science equipment is very beneficial for students who may pursue science careers. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Tom Ward: The Math Transformer

On October 16th, 2014, Tom Ward, a Secondary MAC graduate and current high school math teacher at Greenhills in Ann Arbor, visited our classroom. I do not see myself teaching math in the future but I really enjoyed his presentation because he introduced novel ways to engage students with mathematics. 

From my experience math has always been a really boring class and I always had a love/hate relationship with it. I feel that if you "get it" you love it; but ,if you don't... then it can cause great heartache. Teaching math can be a very big struggle. My mother was a math professor, bless her heart. She helped me a great deal when I was in school and without her help I would have struggled to learn many of the things that my math teachers rushed through. I feel that providing students with interactive ways to understand math can be very helpful for some students. Math can easily become a boring subject and this method would dramatically boost energy in the classroom. I do not know if I would have enjoyed watching a basketball video and guessing if a ball would land in a hoop. Because personally, I like boring and quiet classes but, that's just me. I prefer taking notes and listening to lectures. I feel that watching videos and using math to predict outcomes would be a nice thing to do for a brief time; but if done continuously, I would find it rather irritating because I don't like to learn that way. 

I really enjoyed the points he made about Vine. I love Vine, and I feel as a biology teacher I could get really creative with using Vine as a tool in the class. It would be really cool to have students make a 10 second clip on something such as the function of the Golgi apparatus. I never would have considered Vine as a tool to use in the classroom and I appreciated that he discussed the legal issues (mind the pun) entwined with Vine. He mentioned that Instagram may be a better tool to use if you have students under the age of 18. 

I would really like to see how the math field changes with the expansion of technology. I feel Mr. Ward is carving a novel and amazing path. He is using technology as a means to engage students with math. I am excited to see what other creative ideas he comes up with in the future and I look forward to seeing this trend occur in all classrooms. Many students were born into a world of technology, unlike myself. I believe that this knowledge will greatly shape the way I create lessons in the future. I feel that his presentation was very insightful and it was wonderful to see a secondary MAC alum transforming the realm of math education. 

Monday, October 27, 2014


I had the pleasure of watching my peers present on a tool called Padlet. I found the presentation seamless and I learned a great deal from their presentation. I appreciated that they enabled me to create my own Padlet with a partner. Jesse and I had fun creating a wall that asked students to identify how living organisms are characterized.

I find Padlet a great tool and way to engage students in meaningful discussions. I liked that students do not need an account to access a Padlet and I also enjoyed that Padlet's interface is simple. Padlet is allows for customization and I feel that this feature allows students with an opportunity to be creative if they are making their own board. I find Padlet a great way to share bell work with students and to take notes. I believe using Padlet will also enable students to engage in deep discussions and share observations and thoughts.

I really find that the ability to share walls with others is a wonderful way to get ideas about how other teachers structure their lessons and use the tool. One aspect that was discussed pertained to the unavailability for a previously created Padlet to be modified, this can be a disadvantage if I wish to modify a padlet. I feel in the end I would examine another teacher wall and recreate my own. I noticed that padlet sticky notes have a limit of 150 words this may also be a disadvantage if you want students to write long responses.

I really find this tool to be useful because it is a great way to have students complete bell work and exit tickets. This tool however can only be used in schools where computers are easily accessible and if students have computers at home. I feel if I assigned a Padlet exit ticket for my students I would allow students who do not have access to the internet to send me an email with responses to questions I ask. I really appreciate these presentations on different tech tools because I feel that as education moves towards technology it is important to be aware of how to use technology as an aid in my future teaching career.

Inspiration from Mr. Theune

I really appreciated Mr. Theune's presentation. As a student I was lucky to have  parents who were engaged in my academic career. My parents however never attended my soccer games or my theater performances because they had work at that time. I feel that Mr. Theune's attempt to engage parents with their child in school was novel and brilliant idea.

Mr. Theune has his students write a personal essay and once they finish he has parents come and listen to students read their essay's. I think that involving parents is an excellent way to instill motivation and pride. Although his lecture revolved around ELA, I believe I can incorporate his strategies in many way in a high school biology classroom. I believe that I could potentially create a unit that prompts students to create a model and have them write up a presentation. I would then set a time and day that students will present to their parents and their peers. I would probably provide snacks and drinks and encourage parents to participate via email and phone call.

Mr. Theune also described other ways he seeks to engage his students. He has his students write to pen pals with students in another class. He did this by randomly asking a teacher to collaborate online. I believe that when students have an audience and an aspect of interaction is mingled with a lesson students will find a assigned task more motivational and meaningful. As a future teacher I should strive to find ways to provide meaning and interaction in my lessons. Finding entry points to activate student involvement and engagement will be a difficult task and I feel that it will take a lot of practice until I create a unit that can do this; but, I feel it is important to do because providing relevance and motivation is fundamental in education.

I feel Mr. Theune's presentation really left me pondering ways in which I can create a classroom that engages students and parents. Rearing the end of his presentation he discussed how he published a book with a student and I found this really applicable to myself. I have published a book already but it was more of a bucket list thing I wanted to do in my life. I am working on a series but I think I may put that on hold because I want to use the skills I have learned about publishing and apply it to my classroom.

Overall, I was very impressed and intrigued with what Mr. Theune discussed and I feel that I will take his wisdom and I will certainly try to implement some of his strategies in my classroom in the future.

Monday, September 8, 2014

BYOD & A Lesson Plan

I looked at the Connection Across Disciplines for Jimmy, Paul, and Carl. They created a really neat lesson plan incorporating BYOD. I feel that their assignment took a novel approach in illustrating how history can be learned in classroom. Their lesson plan focused on exposing students to historical issues and themes from the 1960s.  They state that students are expected to bring a laptop device to class or a notebook/tablet.  The bell work did not prompt them to use technology immediately; I think that this was a wise decision. The students were encouraged to watch a YouTube video called, “The 1960s in America: Crash Course US history #40”. It was fifteen minutes long. I think it was very informative and the media and pictures really brought a face to all the issues discussed. I feel that in those fifteen minutes I learned many facts. Having students take notes while watching the video was a really good way to make sure that they watch the video and have a response. I just wonder how students who have trouble multi-tasking may find this procedure. It is hard to watch a video, write, simultaneously and understand what is being discussed.  The 20 min work period prompted students to take a protest in the 1960s and they will journal the protest on Evernote. The need to cite 3 sources, this is a really cool way to teach them how to cite.  Perhaps the students could have a list of a few good websites that teach them how to cite or automatically does it for them eg. EasyBib. I liked this lesson because it really took into account various learning styles (visual, audio, writing, reading) and it is really important to make sure that this is taken into account when incorporating technology in the classroom. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blendspace, Google Doc, Evernote- for students or teachers?

Constructing our own handout on how to utilize a certain program was very challenging. I was assigned Google doc, a program I have used for many years. When I use Google doc it is almost second nature and I never would have considered how complicated using the program would be for someone encountering it for the first time until I had to create a handout with instructions. I wrote as much detail as I could with the page limit and as tedious as I felt it was to have "obvious steps" included I realized that those steps were crucial in building knowledge around the site. I feel that although my handout was useful going through it on a laptop step by step was very important and useful but, maybe that's just because of my "learn by doing" personality.

*Oh I learned something new from Rory while doing my can export already made powerpoints into Google Presentation. Amazing.

During college Google doc was my go to site for group projects and I feel all students should have experience with it because of it's collaborative nature. It is evident that Google doc works with teachers as well (our class).

Having Evernote explained to me kinddaa made me wish I knew about it before the program. It would have certainly kept me more organized. I really liked the autosave function...I sometimes type things in Google email drafts so that I have my stuff backed up online in case I need to retrieve it later when I don't have my computer. I asked why the elephant was the logo and one of my group members pointed out that elephants never forget...if that was the reason all I have to say is, "crafty Evernote creators..crafty".  I feel Evernote can also be used as an extra tool for teacher and students who wish to have their material accessible online. I will say that for individuals who already have their "method" like is harder to adopt.

Blendspace...oh my friend. Having someone show me BlendSpace made me feel like I have spent my life with blindfolds on and that specific individual removed them for me..only to uncover and show me a mound of gold. The site is INCREDIBLE. I love it because it is sooo teacher friendly. The smooth interface and it's wide functionality (quizzes, stats, Youtube, upload files) had me amazed. I will definitely use this website to help me monitor my class. Someone in my group mentioned that it could also be used as a project for students because students can create a lesson. That was a really novel idea and one that I would have never probably thought about.


Video Games and Learning!?

I will tell you as a kid the games/tools on a computer that got me hyped up were mine craft, paint (if it is considered one), and solitaire. As I grew older Mario party, Sims, and an array of Nintendo games became a few of my favorites. My school never incorporated online games because...the "web" was still evolving. We live in a day and age where the internet fits in most of our pockets (smartphones) and provides an ocean of knowledge to aid in anything we may request (all the who, what, where, and when's). I feel that although the traditional route was helpful the technology era can advance education. I am going into Biology and I played around with Citizen Science because it pertained to ecology. I thought it was so first...but I then came upon a part where I had to create arguments and evidence and for some reason I just couldn't move on to the next level because I was doing something wrong. I spent a good fifteen minutes trying to figure out what to do and I was not going anywhere so I moved on and played a few other games pertaining to social studies and language arts. I felt the Global Citizen interface was a little too complicated. As cute as it was-it just was not the one for me.

James Gee discussed the implications of using games in the classroom and defined what a good game was. According to Gee Good games "incorporate good learning principles, principles supported by current research in Cognitive Science" in addition to being relevant,  he notes that good games also need to be user friendly. His main point was not to question if games should or should not be incorporated in school but rather how does one make a subject a game and how does one monitor that kids in and outside of school are learning and using "game" technique to think strategically.

I want to talk about experience with online games while working at Scarlett Middle School. Last week the students spent basically the whole day using the knowledge they had (multiplication, division, addition, subtraction) to participate in interactive online  math games. Two main games played had incorporated speed, however, both did not monitor accuracy. One of them was very fun and really prompted the kids to answer correctly and achieve a faster (speed rate). The other game did not account for accuracy and the students found that just clicking random answers would give them a higher score and a faster speed. That particular game had a major kink and to me it was a bad game. I feel that "good games" need to have all the kinks ironed out, not penalizing for accuracy was one that really impended student learning. Personally, I feel that games can be used in the class but they have to be tested and evaluated by teacher before they are assigned. Incorporating all of the characteristics that Gee mentions e.g customization, accuracy, identity, risk may be very difficult to find but teachers who wish to incorporate games should do their best to find such games in order to administer them in the class.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Standardized Computer Exams

Today our class observed varying levels of a standardized computer exam. The exam was a simulation that may very well  be adopted in the public educational system in the years to come. I took the 12th grade math exam and I realized that I had a lot of trouble with the calculator function as well as some other website interfaces. I also did not like the fact that I had to answer each question before moving on to another (no mark and review button). Not having the ability to move on to another problem and come back was very frustrating.

To play devils advocate I have to say this exam parallels many exams such as the MCAT, DAT, PCAT etc. I have taken the MCAT and I have to say the most challenging aspect of it had to be adapting to a computer exam. My whole life revolved around paper exams and I was very used to this method. Practicing for the MCAT was a huge transition because it was computer based and I wish had some experience and practice with a computer based exam, or two during the course of my academic career.

I will note that some exams such as the LSAT are paper based and those who aspire to be lawyers do not have to face the road block of learning a new test taking skill. However, those who wish to be doctors, pharmacists, and dentists need to be exposed and educated with the DO's and DON'TS of computer based assessments.

Although the computer based assessment we took in class had many kinks and lead to frustration I feel that with some more research it could be a useful tool for students who wish to venture into specific professional fields. The change has happened. MCAT, PCAT, DAT, and other exams are computer based. Students my age who take these exams who never took computer based exams prior may not be comfortable with them. Preparing students for the exams that they may take in the future that are computer based early on may be very beneficial. Creating a computer based standardized exam is very tricky and needs to be carefully constructed and it is imperative that the writers of such exams acknowledge the various factors that may influence a students performance when taking such exams.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

John Dewey

Today's week focused on John Dewey. First, I asked myself...who is this guy?? After reading about him (after a quick wiki search) and as I read along I could definitely see traces of his experience and education shaping his ideas and thoughts. John Dewey was an educational reformer and psychologist who was born 1859 and died 1952 (good life span). He spent much of his life working to incorporate democracy into the classroom. His goal was to create a civil society. While reading, "My Educational Creed" I stumbled upon a really beautiful quote: "In sum, I believe that the individual who is to be educated is a social individual and that society is an organic union of individuals. If we eliminate the social factor from the child we are left only with an abstraction; if we eliminate the individual factor from society, we are left only with an inert and lifeless mass”. This quote made me smile a little because although he stressed the psychological aspects of learning heavily throughout his writing he stated, early on in "My Educational Creed" that, education in his opinion, had two sides: a psychological side and a sociological side. I felt that this quote revealed the importance of this relationship quite simply. 

Dewey's Creed should be a quote book because he states some very significant things that I really found myself pondering and understanding better after I finished reading.  As a future science teacher I felt intrigued by his criticism of science education. He explains that because science is so objective it is extremely difficult and challenging to tackle. Dewey professed many thoughts against didactic teaching and I completely agree with him but; unfortunately, our educational system is designed to be didactic for certain professions for example: medicine. Having had been pre-med--majority of my classes were designed to be classes that encouraged students to swallow a huge amount of material and regurgitate it back. A good pre-med student is a good regurigitaor. So why is this the case? How could it be different? Is it possible to change? These are things I ponder.